Free ebook

Never worry about excuses again! Become an expert at Transforming Excuses Into Excellence with my Ebook - 'The 4 Big Excuses'

Discover Proven Strategies to overcome the four (there are only 4!) types of excuses and propel your people towards excellence

Ebook benefits

What you'll find inside

Download your copy of our eBook today and take the first step towards achieving your career goals!

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Suitable for all leaders

Whether you're in a corporate setting, nonprofit organization, or entrepreneurial venture, these communication strategies are universally applicable.

Suitable for various communication channels

Whether you're communicating face-to-face, through written correspondence, or in virtual settings, the strategies in this ebook can be adapted to various communication channels.

Every leader dreads the excuses they deal with. You don't have to. Download our free ebook, "The 4 Big Excuses" and never worry about excuses again

Ebook author

Meet the author - Erik Berglund

"How do you hold your people accountable?"

That was the question I was asked that changed my life. I was interviewing for a new position in 2016, and the CEO of the company asked me this question in the final interview. 

I felt like I'd been punched in the gut.

It stumped me.

I left absolutely haunted that I didn't know the answer. I felt so inauthentic as a leader. Like a Fraud. So I set out on a journey to answer that question.

"What do I do when someone doesn't do what they're supposed to?"

7 years later (2023) I have a course, an academy, and an entire coaching business built around helping leaders answer this, and many other, questions they're afraid to ask. 

I absolutely love solving the hard problems that every leader faces. Shining light in the darkness of our difficulties we don't know how to vocalize. 

I Live in central Oregon with my wife, two kids, and lab/boxer mix, and I'm thrilled to have you exploring my site.
Free ebook

Never worry about excuses again! Become an expert at Transforming Excuses Into Excellence with my Ebook - 'The 4 Big Excuses'

Discover Proven Strategies to overcome the four (there are only 4!) types of excuses and propel your people towards excellence